Constantly attracting toxic partners can be frustrating. If you’ve been in the dating game for a long time, look back at those people you’ve been with. Are they toxic or pleasant people? Your answer will determine your type of personality. Toxic people tend to make your life miserable. They are abusive and often complain about
Typical Signs Your Partner May Be Cheating
Trying to find out if a partner is cheating can be difficult. Some people are very skilled at keeping their illicit affairs a secret. But enduring a cheating partner can destroy a lot of things in your relationship. Dealing with a cheating partner can be emotionally and physically draining. Each time you try to catch
Important Signs To Indicate That Your Relationship Is Doomed
Understandably, there will be ups and downs in your relationship. But they shouldn’t make your life miserable 24/7. Sometimes, you may not want to admit that the relationship is over but you know it is. You’ve tried your best, your partner has tried their best, but it seems you both are still holding on for
Some Great Steps To An Amazing Relationship
Humans survive in relationships. Family, friends, and neighbours, are all part of those with who we share an amazing relationship with. No man is an island of himself. We all need one another to survive in this difficult world. Intimate relationships are more important than any other. As an adult, you need someone to share
Worst Types Of Men You Must Never Marry
Spending a lifetime 24/7 with someone you love is an amazing thing. At a point in life, every high class city escorts have fantasized about their wedding day with a prince charming walking beside them. Marriage is one of the good things life offers, but only when you choose right. This means you need to
Important Signs You’re Dating Your Soul Mate
Falling in love is one of the most indescribable feelings in the world. Sometimes, it just happens and you’ll be wondering how a stranger became an important person in your life. Surprisingly, the person you fell in love with can be someone you don’t like initially. But things just took a new turn and you
Red Flags To Look For In Yourself Before Considering A Relationship
In life, you need to understand that no rule says you must start a relationship at a particular age. A lot of adults hold on to the belief that they are missing out on something great 24/7 if they are not in a relationship. And they may begin to feel like a failure if they
How To End Relationships In A Mature Way
Breakups are one of the most painful life experiences. Even though it is not the death of a loved one, it is the end of plans, dreams and aspirations you shared with someone. A failed relationship is not only painful, but it can make you feel like a failure 24/7. If you’ve not spent a
7 Things You Will Never Do in Relationships If You Respect Yourself
There are times when being with someone for a long time can lead to familiarity. And a wise man once said, “familiarity breeds contempt”. But respect should not be absent in your relationship. As humans, respect feeds our ego and makes us feel good. Being exposed to insults, comparison, swear words and other unfair treatment
Characteristics of Successful Relationships
Several factors can make a relationship unsuccessful. Problems such as anger, emotional and verbal abuse, lack of communication, cheating, and resentment can make lovers go their separate ways. Oftentimes, the issues causing the problem may be insignificant ones. But if care is not taken 24/7, the relationship may go down the drain. There may be